Fireworks in the Township

The Township of the Archipelago has hired a company to conduct bylaw enforcement. A representative was kind enough to attend our recent Annual General Meeting and share information about their operations. The Township is also engaging this firm to help revise and create bylaws to make them more understandable and enforceable. 

Councilor Ian Mead has recently circulated an email to residents. This email is copied below for your consideration. If you would like to contact Councilor Mead, please email him at

Over the summer, the use of fireworks was front and center - possibly due to the dryness and frequent fire bans. Today, fireworks are covered under our noise bylaw and we are looking to create a fireworks bylaw. Today, fireworks in the TOA are permitted on 3 days during the summer - Victoria Day, July 1st, and July 4th. That is three DAYS only and only on those days.

There seems to be quite an appetite among Council to abolish fireworks altogether in the TOA and that’s where I need your input.

Please respond to this E-mail ASAP and let me know what you think about not permitting fireworks in the TOA.

So the question is - should we outlaw the use of fireworks altogether in the TOA - Yes or No?
— Councilor Ian Mead - October 18, 2016 Email