New Waste Management By-law June 2022

Township of the Archipelago Waste Management By-Law becomes effective June 1, 2022.
The Township of the Archipelago has announced a new By-Law 22-08, replacing the current waste management By-Law from 2012. The Township is updating based on evolving provincial mandates, recycling programs, and managing ongoing cost increases. There has been a focus on diverting as much waste as possible from the Site 9 landfill to avoid the costly and undesirable outcome of having to create a new landfill space. The TOA communications note that in a recent waste audit out of every metric tonne being landfilled, approximately 70% is divertable.
The Township has highlighted the following changes:
Clarification on size of a bag or waste container so that a fee can be appropriately allocated to the bag or container should it contain chargeable contamination
Clear Bag = Transparent plastic bag for containing household waste/recyclables of a size not exceeding 175L in volumet
Commercial enterprise is defined as including short-term and long-term property rentals and condominiums. Household waste generated by such a commercial operation (including a cottage rental) will be subject to a tipping fee per bag/container. (See Schedule A on Page 8 of Bylaw). Clean recyclables resulting from a commercial operation are not subject to a tipping fee.
Disposal of old/wayward docks is included in the by-law.
Docks originating from a private residence (not commercial) cut into pieces less than 2m in length and 1.5m in width, with the wood separated from the foam and any metal.
Ability to dispose of invasive plants at Site 9 is included in the by-law
Transportation and disposal to follow proper guidelines, available on TOA website.
Clearer definition of disposal requirements for boats
Up to 19’. Aluminum/steel boats are classified as scrap metal.
Construction and Demolition and large item disposal at island sites reduced from 1 cubic yard per day to 1 cubic yard per week
Construction and Demolition waste containing >25% concrete to incur a higher disposal rate
Contaminated streams (e.g. recyclables in regular garbage), to be charged a higher “contamination” fee
Disposal fees added on a “per-tonne” basis, to take into account the addition of a weigh scale at Site 9
The inclusion of a “tag” system, that is planned to be rolled out over the course of the next 12-18 months, to streamline payment options for ratepayers and move towards a more efficient cashless system.
Items Allowed to be Disposed Of at Transfer Station
Everyone entering a waste disposal location must first see the attendant. The following items are allowed to be disposed of at the Crane Lake Transfer Station. Those items with an * are subject to charges (See Schedule A on Page 8 of the Bylaw).
Household Waste
Electronic Waste
Scrap Metal
Empty/Expired 20lb Propane Tanks
Re-use Items
Clothing and Textiles
Old or Wayward Docks (per above)
Batteries and Cell Phones
Construction & Demolition Waste (*)
Commercial Waste (*)
Large Items (*)
Boats (*) — Only between first open day in June and last open day in October and by prior appointment only.
Any questions regarding the new by-law can be directed to:
Greg Mariotti
Manager of Operational Services
705-746-4243 ext 311