Township of the Archipelago Environment Report

The annual Environment Report prepared by the Township is now available on their website. The report was compiled by the Georgian Bay Biosphere and Westwind Forest Stewardship Inc., and features the results of the 2020 Water Quality Monitoring Program, MNRF fish community data, and forest pests & diseases in the area. A link to the report is below, and data specific to Crane Lake can be found beginning on Page 26.
From the TOA Website:
The Township of The Archipelago (TOA) has partnered with the Georgian Bay Biosphere (GBB) to deliver community programming to ratepayers.
The goal of the partnership between GBB and the TOA is to provide for high quality and accessible, environmental information sharing and programming. This specifically means working to increase environmental literacy and awareness among ratepayers within the Township of The Archipelago and increasing the capacity to address/respond to environmental issues, challenges, and opportunities. Furthermore, this programming helps to meet the mandate of a UNESCO (United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization) designated world Biosphere Reserve and more specifically, the strategic objectives of Georgian Bay Biosphere.
For more information about the Township’s environmental programming and activities, click the link below: