Kids in the Biosphere - Summer Fun

From our friends at the Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve:
Calling all Kids in the Biosphere!
Are you ready for exploration and adventure this summer?
The Georgian Bay Biosphere will be offering the 8th season of Kids in the Biosphere in partnership with the Township of the Archipelago. This free program provides participating families with activities to keep you outside and learning about nature all summer long. Kids in the Biosphere began in 2013 and has reached over 500 families!
What’s new with Kids in the Biosphere in 2020?
This season, GBBR staff have altered the delivery of Activity Kits to stay in line with physical distancing and COVID -19 recommendations. We will be mailing all Activity Kits through Canada Post to families who sign-up online. (According to Canada Post, the World Health Organization and Public Health Agency of Canada assure it is safe to handle mail and there is no evidence of COVID-19 transmission on goods and packages).
Here is how it works:
1. Sign up at to receive your family’s Activity Kit; a reusable bag containing outdoor games, crafts, and a nature notebook.
2. GBBR staff will mail your Activity Kit to the address you provide.
3. Throughout the summer, check out online Photo Album of everyone’s findings and the Kids in the Biosphere Blog for weekly info on nature’s happenings and answers to your questions.
4. Complete activities and keep track on your Summer Scorecard included in the Activity Kit (optional).
5. Optional: At the end of the summer, or when you've completed as many activities as possible, email us a picture of your Scorecard. You will be entered to win one of three grand prizes!
We’re looking forward to a summer of distant and safe adventures with you! As the GBBR office is currently closed, Activity Kits are only available through the mail. The sign-up form will remain active throughout the summer to reach as many families as possible. We will provide updates on the situation as the summer progresses. For more information, contact Delaina at